• Cornerstone Content,  Diary

    A Last-Minute Adventure And Unexpected Reflections

    As someone who thrives on spontaneity, my recent last-minute decision to visit New York City felt like diving into a well of nostalgia and new experiences. This trip wasn’t planned with the meticulous detail I usually reserve for vacations. Today, I set out for New York City, completely unaware of the profound impact this journey would have on me. Walking Down Memory Lane Arriving in the city, I was drawn to my old neighborhood, a place where the echoes of my past self seemed to resonate off every corner and cobblestone. I made a brief stop at the house where I grew up, climbing the stairs to the vacant apartment…

  • Diary

    It’s The Small Everyday Moments That Define Us

    This morning, I find myself awake much too early, the first glimmers of dawn creeping through my curtains before my alarm has even thought to sound. My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, still echoing with the conversation I had last night. An old friend called, someone who was once a cornerstone of my daily life but has since drifted into the realm of cherished memories. We spent hours on the phone, falling back into our old rhythm as if no time had passed, speaking about the old days. As we reminisced, I was reminded of how the most important things in life are those that hurt, those simple things…

  • Diary

    Reflections On Love, Growth, And The Irony Of Fate

    Recently, I found myself wrapped in the warmth of a familiar conversation, this time with a friend who had recently embarked on the beautiful journey of marriage. It’s funny how life’s moments like these can prompt us to look back on our own paths, the choices we’ve made, and the people who have shaped us. My friend’s newfound happiness brought me back to my own story of love, friendship, and the serendipitous twists of fate that led me to my wife, Amelia. Amelia and I share a bond that many doubted because we are both INFJs. It’s a rare Myers-Briggs personality type, known for its intuition, sensitivity, and empathy. People…

  • Diary

    Reflections Of A Solitary Soul

    I have always believed that I came into this world alone, a solitary figure marked in constellation. This belief is not born of loneliness but of a profound understanding that, when stripped of all else, my essence remains unaltered, steadfast through the seasons of life. It’s a thought that comforts me in moments of solitude, a reminder that my presence in this world is defined not by the people around me but by the strength within me. My approach to life and work has always been one of profound dedication. When I commit to a task, I pour my heart and soul into it, much like midnight machines that work…

  • Diary

    We Simplify Our Journey To Make It Understandable

    As I sit here this January, I can’t help but think about the past ten years. It’s incredible to consider how much time has passed and how far I’ve come. Ten years, a whole decade, feels like a lifetime in human years. It’s long enough to transform completely, to shed skins and emerge anew. But it’s also just enough time to realize how quickly moments can blend into one another, how easily the days can slip through our fingers like grains of sand. Ten years ago, I was a very different person. I was at the south end of my career, feeling stagnated and unfulfilled. Professionally, I had hit a…

  • Diary

    It All Started With A Pair Of Converse Shoes

    I have been holding back from saying these things for far too long. It’s been a lifetime of silence, of conforming to society’s expectations, and of suppressing my true self. But this new year, I’ve made a resolution, a declaration of independence, if you will. This new year, I’m going to say, “fuck the world.” It’s been a rollercoaster ride of self-discovery, acceptance, and self-love. It’s taken years to muster the courage to fully embrace my identity, and now, I’m going all in. I am going to start demanding that people use She/Her pronouns with me from now on. There will be no exception. My name is Thomas, and I’ve…

  • Diary

    Watching Trains At Howe Center, Rutland, Vermont

    This afternoon, my wife, Amelia suggested that I go take pictures of trains. Today, I decided to embrace that idea of watching trains at The Howe Center in Rutland, Vermont, and captured GMTX 2687. Living in Vermont, I’ve always been fascinated by the rustic charm and historical significance that intertwines with modern life here. There’s a certain allure to the old-world meeting the new. What better place to capture pictures of trains than at the Howe Center in Rutland, Vermont? I’ve talked about this place for ages, captivated by stories and the rich history it holds, yet, for some reason, I never visited. So, I grabbed my camera, a Leica…

  • Diary

    The Westholm, Nevermore

    Visiting my mom in Upstate New York always brings a sense of nostalgia, a reminder of the simplicity and innocence of childhood. Today was no different. As I drove through the familiar streets of where I used to live, the memories came flooding back, each one a vivid snapshot of a life that once was. My visit to mom was brief yet heartwarming. We chatted about everything and nothing, sipping soda in her living room, surrounded by the comforting smells of home. But amidst our conversations, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of transience. Nothing ever stays the same, I thought. I was born, and one day I’ll die. The…

  • Diary

    Riding The Dragon’s Wings

    Sometimes I feel as if I caught the pearl and rode the dragon’s wings, soaring through the great big skies of my own existence, caught between reality and dreams. In these moments, I am untethered, a creature of pure whimsy, seemingly unbound by the mundane shackles of daily life. The pearl rests in my palms, a symbol of wisdom gained through experience. It reminds me of the trials and triumphs that have sculpted my being. In its luster, I see the reflections of my laughter, my tears, and the myriad of emotions that punctuate the pivotal moments of my life. Riding the dragon’s wings, I embrace the tumultuous winds of…

  • Diary

    Red And Purple Sunrise

    This morning, I witnessed something magical. As I peeked through my window, the sky was transforming into a breathtaking canvas. The red and purple hues of the sunrise blended together in a multitude of fiery colors, casting a gentle glow over the world. The red was so deep and passionate, like the warmth of a cozy fire, while the purple added a touch of mystery and depth. Watching this spectacle, I felt a sense of peace and wonder. It was a reminder of the beauty that begins each day, often unnoticed in our busy lives. I stood there, mesmerized, letting the colors wash over me, filling me with hope and…