• jolly555

    You are very right,when water come gushing out it always difficult to hold it back,same with our god-given gifts nothing can stop it.

  • Miaka Yuuki

    As the way I put it sometimes things are not in our control. If that happens at times all we can do is sit back and watch. That is life.

  • Goo Hara

    This is true, but there is also an option of not opening the flood gate. The same in life, there are options to go or to forgo.

  • Obalade Damilola

    We can’t control everything that happen to us..their are times we just sit and watch praying and hoping things get better

  • Rizzee Cerdeñola

    We can’t control our life specially death. We just have to accept anything that happens and move on.

  • thewanderrunner

    So true!Love this,what flows let it flows,just like with people is they stay let them stay and if they go let them go.

  • brainedet

    Whoever tries that is a joker. Nobody can stop the course of nature and such a person will go with the flow.

  • Janet James

    Absolutely true. Th best ting to do is not to open the flood gate in the first place. Think clearly before you embark on something.

  • Grace Wan

    My understanding of your quote is, if you don’t want something to spread out, just keep your mouth shut. Because once it gets out to the public it will be very hard to contain it.

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