• Writing

    The Story Of My Life, And Other Ramblings

    It is the story of my life.  All of my life I have spent searching for something that cannot be found.  Something I cannot name.  Something I’m not sure can ever be found, or even exists.  Something that if I found it, I might not even know if it was what I was searching for. All of my life I wanted to be a writer.  But writing doesn’t always pay the bills.  So I followed a career path in the medical field; a career for which I would always be needed.  And yet even though I was always part of a team in one capacity or another, I never felt…

  • Writing

    Lost In The Pages

    Sometimes I feel as if I am lost in the pages of a book about my own life, filled with the jaded ramblings of a madman.  The world not as it seems as arcane symbolism seeks the truth of higher meaning. My written words are sometimes a nightmare to those who are not like me.  Those who are unamused by difference, unable to shift focus or perspective, seeing the world only as they are told or taught to see it.  Life is ours, we live it our way, and we write our own story as life goes on. The older I get, the more I realize how the world works,…

  • Photography,  Writing

    How I Write

    I have already written quotes about why I write, what inspires me to write as well as suggestions and prompts, and I have even given advice to aspiring writers everywhere.  This is how I write. When I started taking my writing seriously, as a possible career path, the year was 1998 and I was a high school senior.  I have always had an obsession with efficiency, that is, in simple terms, obtaining the desired result or effect with the least possible use of resources, time, or effort.  Ironically, while I make every effort possible to make things in my life as efficient as possible, as it relates to my writing,…