• The Muses Companion

    The Muses Companion – February 22, 2024

    Good day, readers. Today is February 22nd, the 53rd day of the year 2024, with 313 days remaining. Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other. Walter Elliot Today in Literary History: On this day in 1788, Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher known for his pessimistic philosophies and profound influence on literature and psychology, was born. His works, such as The World as Will and Representation, explore the concept of human desire and the inherent suffering it causes, themes that have permeated both philosophical and literary discourse. Notable Birthdays: Today’s Readings: From The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer: “A man…

  • Writing

    Is Intellectualism Dead? A Provocative Question For Our Times.

    In the last twenty years, intellectuals have been receiving increasingly rough treatment by the public and the media. The title of intellectual has, over time, become associated with negative stereotypes such as elitism, disengagement from reality, immorality and more. It’s worth wondering whether intellectualism has been driven to extinction or if it can experience another renaissance similar to what it experienced in the 19th century when philosophers such as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were just starting their careers. There was a time, not too long ago, when thinkers were admired. By thinkers, I don’t mean that they all read scholarly papers or spent countless hours in seminars discussing theories about physics…