Pelican Posted on January 1, 2020January 2, 2022 December 2019 Related Posts:Humble PelicanDecemberThe CorridorWinter Morning
I don’t really know much about the bird but being a fun of animals, I will definitely check the Pelican out. Reply
Pelicans are always lovely at sight. They make one funny sound like that. Lovely bird seen in cold region Reply
I love the subtle vignetting at the lower corners of the shot. The dark gray sky also lends a sense of sadness to the solitary pelican perched atop a floodlight. Reply
Pelicans symbolize as a spirit animal. They are believed to be signs of kindness and generosity. Reply
This is a live bird relaxing and getting set for the day. Your focus for shots are always unique. Reply
What a majestic and elegant bird, worthy of admiring in the eyes of humanity.
What a delightful winged creature. I hope I can see one with my own eyes someday.
I don’t really know much about the bird but being a fun of animals, I will definitely check the Pelican out.
Pelicans are always lovely at sight. They make one funny sound like that. Lovely bird seen in cold region
I love the subtle vignetting at the lower corners of the shot. The dark gray sky also lends a sense of sadness to the solitary pelican perched atop a floodlight.
The pelican looks so relaxed in that spot. What a lovely photo!
Pelicans symbolize as a spirit animal. They are believed to be signs of kindness and generosity.
This pelican is so peaceful to look at. No burden at all.
This is a live bird relaxing and getting set for the day. Your focus for shots are always unique.
Calm and balanced. Good photography. An early morning picture
What a cute bird..I love it
Just as I pictured the name – Pelican! What a beautiful
Pelican Calmed stress light. Good photography.