• Janine Bocateja

    The mirror is missing. Probably they took out the mirror because someone is showing up there.

  • Miaka Yuuki

    Well a lighting can make this creepy or make it harmless. Think about it even a sink can be creepy if it is dark as suppose to if it is well lit.

  • Oseghale Justin

    It really looks odd and old, anyway I feel irritation alot so I can barely use bathroom outside my home

  • David Mureithi

    I did like going to the bathrooms a lot. However, not all are well maintained and it can turn to be unpleasing.

  • Maury Cheskes

    It does seem like an odd place for a sink which in itself makes it mysterious. I wonder how old it is and if the pressure’s still sound.

  • jolly555

    Why is the room that dark like there’s some mystery surrounding it. This looks a little unusual but it well shot for me.

  • esgyll

    There’s always something about old wrinkled wallpaper that makes any kind of room it decorates mysterious. I am also curious what made that rectangular shape there on the wall itself.

  • Barak Telle

    The fact that the sink looks almost new but the wall look so old is mysterious. The sink has withstood time so well.

  • Grace K

    It seems that the material used to make this sink are of high quality. Just from the look of it, it’s still appealing.

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