• Diary

    We Witnessed A Partial Eclipse

    As the twilight sun gave way to an eerie midday darkness, Amelia and I stood in the fields of our Vermont farm, our eyes turned skyward. The day had been marked on our calendar with anticipation: an astronomical event promised a full eclipse, a rare alignment that would shroud our world in an otherworldly twilight. But nature, in her unpredictable artistry, scripted a different spectacle. Instead of the complete darkness we expected, we witnessed a partial eclipse. The moon nibbled at the sun’s edge, crafting a crescent of light that seemed too mystical to belong to our everyday sky. The light that filtered through this celestial interplay was unlike any…

  • Diary

    Winter Storm—March 23, 2024

    Today, the National Weather Service’s bulletin was stark, a Winter Storm Warning that seemed to echo the hush in the air: “Heavy wet snow and mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 20 inches and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch.” I decided that I would not be venturing outside today. Amelia, with her wise, knowing look, seemed to agree. There was an unspoken consensus between us—today was not a day to venture into the cold embrace of the storm. The world outside our window would transform into a winter wonderland of snow and ice, a spectacle that was both beautiful as well as…

  • Diary

    Redefining Success: A Journey Beyond Conventional Achievement

    In quiet reflection, I often ponder the evolution of success. This concept, so deeply ingrained in our collective psyche, has undergone a significant transformation, particularly in the 21st century. My journey through life has led me to challenge the conventional notions of success, embracing the shifts in societal values that redefine what it means to truly achieve and be fulfilled. Every morning, as the first light of dawn breaks the horizon, I step out onto the back porch of our house, greeting the day with a ritual that grounds me. There, I take a long, contemplative look over my property, embracing the ever-changing beauty of the landscape that unfolds before…

  • Writing

    Writing, Photography, And My Life With Amelia

    As I sit here, my fingers poised over the keyboard, I can’t help but feel a wave of exhilaration mixed with a hint of disbelief. Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one that is entirely dedicated to my deepest passions: writing, photography, and my beautiful relationship with Amelia. For years, I found myself juggling the demands of a conventional career with my innate desire to create. My days were filled with tasks and responsibilities that, while vitally important, didn’t ignite the spark within me. Each evening, as I sat down to write or sifted through photos from my latest adventure, I felt a surge of…

  • Photography

    All Alone

    My farm is more than just a piece of land; it’s my sanctuary, a place where time gently pauses, inviting me to savor the pure, unadorned beauty of life. The evergreen, all alone and cloaked in its vibrant shades of green, serves as a symbol of hope and rebirth. It reminds me that even in the coldest grip of winter, life perseveres, patiently awaiting the soft, renewing promise of spring.

  • Writing

    2023 Was A Year of Unexpected Expenses And Disappointments

    As I sit here reflecting on the past year, I can’t help but feel a mix of frustration and disbelief. 2023 was supposed to be a year of new beginnings and upgrades. It turned into a series of unfortunate events and costly disappointments. I want to share our story, not for sympathy, but as a cautionary tale about the unpredictability of life, and the importance of perseverance and determination. The Kubota Tractor Debacle Our journey into 2023’s financial abyss began with our Kubota tractor. We live on a small farm, and that tractor was supposed to be the backbone of our daily operations. Purchased brand new, we had high hopes…

  • Photography

    Another Cold And Frosty Morning

    As I opened my eyes this morning, the first thing that greeted me was the heavy fog blanketing our farm. It’s December, and the cold has settled in, leaving a frosty kiss on every blade of grass and tree. The weather here, though unpredictable, never fails to amaze me. Each day brings its own unique beauty, and today, the world outside seems like a serene wonderland, shrouded in a misty veil. It’s moments like these that remind me why I cherish living on the farm, where nature’s whims are a constant, yet splendid surprise. December 2023

  • Diary

    Red And Purple Sunrise

    This morning, I witnessed something magical. As I peeked through my window, the sky was transforming into a breathtaking canvas. The red and purple hues of the sunrise blended together in a multitude of fiery colors, casting a gentle glow over the world. The red was so deep and passionate, like the warmth of a cozy fire, while the purple added a touch of mystery and depth. Watching this spectacle, I felt a sense of peace and wonder. It was a reminder of the beauty that begins each day, often unnoticed in our busy lives. I stood there, mesmerized, letting the colors wash over me, filling me with hope and…