• Writing

    The Labyrinth Of Intellect

    Sitting in the sterile, impersonal room, the aroma of antiseptic stinging my nostrils, I felt a gnawing unease. My doctor was once again attempting to convince me to take a new medication. This one purported to calm my racing thoughts and soothe my intellectual unrest. But something deep inside me was on high alert. I was convinced that the drugs they were trying to feed me were damaging my intellect, dulling my cognitive prowess, and slowly but surely feeding the cancer of my intellect. My name is Thomas, and I am an individual with an unusually high-functioning intellect. I have always been voracious in my quest for knowledge, an eager…

  • Writing

    The Lost Girl Was Meant To Be Found

    The lost girl was meant to be found, for she herself holds precious and wondrous things the world has yet to see. She was born with raindrops in her eyes, but like broken china, she cries until all that’s left are fissures of light. Happy! The word slipped out the moment I awoke, before I could help myself. I wake up each morning, hearing the birds sing and the echoes of sighing angels, and perhaps it’s not where I belong, the beauty of my new surroundings have me watching, listening, and learning. With time, the past feels like nothing more than a lost memory, as I learn to adapt to…

  • Writing

    Today Is The Day I Quit Social Media

    Today was the day I quit social media for good. There are many reasons why I decided to quit, but I am most excited about all of the benefits that come with it. The first thing I noticed today was how much time I had and how much more productive I felt during my day! Social media hasn’t just taken away precious hours of my time, but it’s also distracted me from what I could get done during the day. At the end of the day, social media just led me to be less productive as well as less happy overall in my daily life. Social media can have a…

  • Writing

    The Sarah McLachlan Effect: Why I Almost Named My Website After A Song

    The first time I heard Sarah McLachlan’s Building A Mystery, it felt like my life was being reflected back at me through song. The chorus sums up the experiences of my young adult life at the time: I had no idea where I was going or how to get there, but I knew that with each moment and experience, I was building something solid and real within myself that would prepare me for what comes next. My website on Tripod was originally titled Building A Mystery, after the Sarah McLachlan song. Building A Mystery was my first choice when it came to deciding what my website should be named. I…

  • Writing

    You Expect An Easy Answer

    It has truly been so long since I had seen something truly amazing.  This morning I saw something incredible.  I witnessed the annual migration of hundreds of birds, all flying low in a v-shape patterns.  So many that the sky was filled with birds flying overhead, a duration which lasted in excess of five minutes.  The most mesmerizing and beautiful things in life are always free and come from mother nature, yet we often covet that which is materialistic, mass-produced and unnecessarily costly.  In modern society we are conditioned towards capitalist ideals, forever ignoring the simple and most beautiful things in life as insignificant and inconsequential. I was at the…