Wow this is an old bridge I take it but the shots tell otherwise. I have never been here but this looks majestic. Your talent shines here. Good shot!!!
That bridge still looks intact. I’ve seen similar bridges, in some parts of my country, where they look as if they could do with more than just a few coats of paint and termite repellent.
The question related to this photo, however, is:
“Is it the view of a place where we should go, or is it a view from the place where we currently are?”
Oftentimes, the grass does look greener on the other side, but we tend to forget the beauty of the side that we’re on, at times.
Nonetheless, I’d say that it’s worth crossing that bridge and exploring what the other side has to offer, if only to gain valuable experience along the way.
Such a beautiful way to go to more majestic place. It is the bridge that can take you to the other side. I always love to go with these kind of places.
Bridge to nowhere
It looks like a modern and safe bridge in the mountains, you always pick the best topics Tom.
Perfectly centered shot that makes you feel like you’re physically there. Very adventurous, forest pic.
Wow this is an old bridge I take it but the shots tell otherwise. I have never been here but this looks majestic. Your talent shines here. Good shot!!!
Such eerie place. I really love the way you took the picture, it is as if the bridge itself is welcoming us venture into the woods.
You must be an expect tourist. I love your personality Tom.
That’s the most lush forest I have ever seen. Nature at its best!
What a beautiful forest. I bet there are so many animals in it.
I have heard so much about the White Mountains National Forest. I hope to visit it some day in the future.
A very well built bridge I have to say. I am impressed.
I can picture how dark this place might be at night. Just imagining it gives me goosebumps.
I like it when man preserves nature like this. I hope the forest is kept in its current state for generations to come.
The bridge looks very familiar. I might have seen it before.
Looks like a pathway to heaven to me. That is very subjective though haha.
What could be lying on the other side of the bridge? That remains a mystery.
That is so much green in one place. A very well preserved forest indeed.
Few forests are this lush today. The government should protect this forest.
I imagine the path to the enchanted forest, where everything is more pure and natural, how beautiful it is to find well-preserved places.
I always love taking pictures on bridges. What a nice bridge it is!
Looks bright and lovely. It really feels cool walking over it.
That bridge still looks intact. I’ve seen similar bridges, in some parts of my country, where they look as if they could do with more than just a few coats of paint and termite repellent.
The question related to this photo, however, is:
“Is it the view of a place where we should go, or is it a view from the place where we currently are?”
Oftentimes, the grass does look greener on the other side, but we tend to forget the beauty of the side that we’re on, at times.
Nonetheless, I’d say that it’s worth crossing that bridge and exploring what the other side has to offer, if only to gain valuable experience along the way.
Such a beautiful way to go to more majestic place. It is the bridge that can take you to the other side. I always love to go with these kind of places.
You do great photography I like how you capture rare moments. it shows you are a professional. Capturing the rail looks awesome.