Simple yet elegant I love that. It shows the skill pf the photographer. You turned a pretty normal looking plant and elevated it to be something more. Good job!!!
Straightforward yet rich I love that. It shows the expertise of the picture taker. You turned a really typical looking plant and raised it to be something more. Great job!
The rule of thirds at its finest. I love the use of the geometric lines formed by the walls, floor, and roof. They converge right in the center where the potted plant is. Splendid!
I love the simplicity of this picture, and the way you played with the shadows and colors contrasting.
Brilliant and cool photographs there Tom. The flower shows the beautiful sides of life. Thanks for this post.
This is really cool and a great lightening. Looks like aren’t real though , I mean an armament. Great shot guy
As simple as it looks, it is perfect and carefully taken. Only a professional can produce something like this
I would like to know what the name of this plant is, we have a great variety of flora but I don’t find any similarity with any that I know.
This plant has a lot of personality! It can really tie any room together. Sheer elegance.
Simple yet elegant I love that. It shows the skill pf the photographer. You turned a pretty normal looking plant and elevated it to be something more. Good job!!!
Days to being replanted I wonder? The shot looks rather stark and and seems like something very big is about to happen.
This is just a form of life capture…really beautiful. Nice shot
Wow ..this is one cool flower..I.wish I.have this in my living room..nice one tom
Straightforward yet rich I love that. It shows the expertise of the picture taker. You turned a really typical looking plant and raised it to be something more. Great job!
The rule of thirds at its finest. I love the use of the geometric lines formed by the walls, floor, and roof. They converge right in the center where the potted plant is. Splendid!
The subject is photograph very clearly. It looks very well captured.
What an absolutely beautiful photo. This looks so professional.
A beautiful plant in a beautiful pot. So much beauty in one picture!
The clarity and detail level of this shot is breath taking. This is some amazing work Tom!
At first I thought this was a platic plant. But on closer inspection I see it’s as real as any other plant.
I wish I had a potted plant as elegant as this one in my room. It really brightens things up.
The plant blends beautifully with the white background. This is a masterpiece!
This photo is so simple yet incredibly eye catching at the same time. You have an eye for the very best shots.
That is one lovely looking plant. I wish I knew what it is called.
Potted plants always add life to a room and spruce things up. Whoever set this one up is a very good interior designer.
This is by far one of the best photos I have seen in a while. It actually brought a smile to my face ๐ ๐ ๐
This picture is a testament to just how good you are at what you do! This is truly amazing. Continue with the good job!