
The Museum Of Everyday Life

Amelia and I decided to take the 2½ hour drive to see the Museum Of Everyday Life in Glover, Vermont, after reading about the museum on Atlas Obscura. In all fairness, the trip to the museum was a gamble of sorts; I was not sure of what I might find at the museum, and at the same time, I had expectations of having an enjoyable experience.

Museum Of Everyday Life
Monday, February 6, 2023

When we arrived, my first thought was that the museum might be boring, based solely on my preconceived notion that the barn that housed the museum appeared small by comparison to most other museums I have visited. This notion was immediately proven false as soon as Amelia and I stepped inside and were confronted with a mass collection of everyday objects; some commonplace, though others new and exciting. We never knew what was waiting for us around every corner, and even within those corners were nooks and crannies of curiosities, the scope of which I don’t believe I have ever seen before.

The Museum Of Everyday life embodies a genuine sense of subtle humor; the juxtaposition of random objects that make the museum unique. The exhibits are presented in such a way to make the experience both educational as well as entertaining.

The downstairs exhibit, Coming Clean, which is scheduled to be on display until July 2023 featured a collection of exhibits related to personal hygiene. The museum even featured an interactive exhibit as part of Coming Clean, where museum patrons were invited to take a bath in a vintage bath tub. Unfortunately, when Amelia and I visited, the weather was dreadfully cold and the bath tub was frozen solid as the barn does not have heat of any kind. We both want to return again in the warmer months and have more time to look at all that the museum has to offer.


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