• Miaka Yuuki

    I agree particularly on things that we deem easy. There is always more to it than meets the eye. I guess that applies on our personal lives as well. On particular on people.

  • jolly555

    Definitely, I do this alot. Getting just a surface knowledge about a thing isn’t just enough. The deeper knowledge is a lot better.

  • Rizzee Cerdeñola

    We need to look beyond surface. We need to see the beauty in everything. By doing that, we will discover new things.

  • Obalade Damilola

    You are right..looking at something on the surface won’t allow you have a good sense of judgement..it requires digging deeper to get a true picture..

  • thewanderrunner

    Thats why I always live by this saying, Dont judge the book by its cover.And it takes one to know one.

  • brainedet

    Much can be learned through in-depth knowledge. Just reading the surface enough might not give us the needed information

  • Danielle M

    Great advice, os always good to watch and been concious of what surrond us, this way we can learn by seeing.

  • Janet James

    It’s like don’t judge a book by its cover, great things are discovered when you go deep. You will only learn as far as you go.

  • David Mureithi

    I remember in school my math teacher said that it’s best to think beyond your normal level. It’s what defines success.

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