• sitting woman using smartphone with hearts and smartphone icons

    The Increasing Reliance On Social Media Metrics

    Introduction In the early days of the internet, social media platforms were merely digital spaces where users could connect, share, and communicate. Fast forward to the present, these platforms have evolved into a globally impactful phenomenon. In the modern age, social media’s influence has transcended beyond personal interactions and has penetrated almost every sphere of life. One striking manifestation of this influence is the increasing reliance on social media metrics as a measure of success. But is this singular focus on social media metrics healthy, or has it gone too far? The Dominance of Social Media Metrics Social media metrics such as likes, shares, followers, retweets, and views have become…

  • Writing

    The Small, Wooden Desk Nestled In The Corner

    As a fledgling writer, I used to naively believe that putting words on paper was all it took to create a compelling story. Little did I know, that to truly become a master of my craft, I would need to develop an unquenchable thirst for delving into the emotions attached to those words. In the beginning, I would sit at my desk, pouring out phrases and sentences, thinking I was creating magic. It was only after countless critiques and rejections that I realized my writing lacked depth and emotional resonance. I began to understand that the true power of storytelling lay in the ability to connect with readers on a…

  • Writing

    Journey to the Page: Seeking Inspiration for My Life Story

    Dear readers,I am embarking on a journey to write a nonfiction book about my life, Only The Moon Understands The Beauty Of Love, and I am reaching out to you for ideas and inspiration. My life has been filled with ups and downs, triumphs and struggles, and moments of both joy and heartbreak. I believe that sharing my story can not only be cathartic for me, but it can also inspire others who may be going through similar experiences. The book will delve into various aspects of my life, including my childhood, education, career, relationships, and personal growth. I want to explore the defining moments and turning points that have…

  • Writing

    Ordinary World

    As I sat down to write this blog post, the opening notes of “Ordinary World” by Duran Duran were playing in my head. This song has always spoken to me on a deeply personal level, and I often feel as though the lyrics are a reflection of my own life. Like the song’s protagonist, I too have experienced loss and upheaval in my life. There have been times when I felt as though I was adrift in an ordinary world that had lost all meaning and purpose. The feeling of uncertainty and disorientation was overwhelming at times, and I often found myself struggling to make sense of my experiences. Yet,…

  • Free woman prepare for writing

    I Am An Oxford Comma Enthusiast

    As an Oxford comma enthusiast, I am always surprised by how controversial the use of this tiny punctuation mark can be. While some may view it as unnecessary, I believe that it is an essential tool for conveying meaning and ensuring clarity in writing. As a voracious reader and a skilled writer, I can confidently say that the Oxford comma is a critical component of effective communication. The Oxford comma, also known as the serial comma, is a comma placed after the penultimate item in a list of three or more items. For example, consider the following sentence: “I need to buy bread, milk, and eggs.” The Oxford comma appears…

  • Social media applications on mobile

    The Cult Of Social Media

    I used to spend hours scrolling through my social media feed, which gave me a sense of excitement and belonging in ways I never had before. Being a part of various online communities was like finding a home away from home, a place where I could connect with people from all over the world and share my thoughts and experiences. At first, it was innocent enough. I joined social media to keep in touch with friends and family, to share pictures of my life, and to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends. But as time went on, I found myself becoming more and more engrossed in this world.…

  • Cornerstone Content,  Writing

    The World I Came Into Has Gotten Too Scary

    My earliest memories are of being a small child sitting on the marble floor of our Greenwich Village apartment. There was something comforting in the coolness of that floor, in its immovability, in its seeming lack of opinion or judgment. It was a respite from the complexities of life in a large city with multiple families living in upstairs apartments under one roof. All my difficulties felt as if they could be put aside for a few moments in that little corner, next to the refrigerator. I could take comfort in the simple, repetitive task of sorting and stacking colorful blocks, ignoring the struggles in the wider world around me.…

  • Writing

    Friendship And The Life I Left Behind

    When I was younger, like so many others, I thought that best friends were people who knew me better than anyone else in the world and with whom I shared everything. That was certainly true of me, my best friend and I were like siblings! As we grew up, things started to change. We both had jobs and responsibilities now. There were no longer any more sleepovers or wild adventures to be had; it seemed that our friendship wasn’t meant to last forever after all! The memories of the life I left behind come to me in waves, like whispers in the night. Although the time has passed and the…

  • Writing

    Dark Horse: How I Learned To Embrace My Unconventional Nickname

    When I was younger, my nickname was Dark Horse. For most of my life, I hated it. It didn’t reflect the person I wanted to be seen as, and it wasn’t even accurate—while we were growing up, I was anything but the dark horse. I recently had an epiphany about why my friends gave me that nickname in the first place: they saw things in me that others refused to acknowledge—my will, my inner strength, and my potential. A dark horse is someone who excels in an unexpected field. In the world of horse racing, a dark horse is any horse that’s not being considered a favorite to win the…

  • Cornerstone Content,  Writing

    Now Is The Time To Let Go

    Most of us live for cheap thrills. Whether it’s diving into a plate of nachos or watching an action movie with our friends, it’s easy to get sucked into the allure of fun that doesn’t really matter to our lives in the long run. But at some point, cheap thrills fade away and we need to start thinking about the bigger picture. You can’t make up for lost time or replace what is lost. Whether it be a relationship, an ambition, a skill, an opportunity or a moment in time, you’ll never get it back. The highs don’t stay high for long and the lows don’t stay low forever. The…