Asking a child what they want to be when they grow up is very limiting, as it narrows down the possibilities to career opportunities. The better question is to ask a child who they want to be and what they dream of doing with their life.
Thomas Slatin, Belong

A very nice point of view. Their answer will be the basis on how they see themselves in the future.
I wont agree less, because at that age what would they possibly know or have experienced? What their dreams or aspirations are, is more relative to them.
That’s true, asking them who they want to be instead makes you as an adult or parent help them achieve that goal. Wow, I wont make that mistake again
Yes, it narrows down the possibilities to career opportunitie; not making them think outside the box. We know their minds are so meek and easily shaped.
Alright I have learned a new one now. I will start asking my juniors when they dream to become and hear their response.
Your quote speaks my mind. I love this quote 56 of yours.
A very great remark. The answer will not be based on how they view themselves in the time to come.
Thank you so much for making your point, i will apply that knowledge to my students and of course to my very own children.
Well, there is a lot to the question. I also like your thoughts.
Some parents tend to force their child to be what they want in the future. It can seriously harm the child’s demeanour and psychology and probably would cause rebeliion. Parents have to be strict and supportive both at the same ways.
Sometimes I believe children should be left alone to choose their own career path especially if they have role models and want to be like them.
I agree, those are more apropiated questions for a child…
It is very important to know how to ask children questions so that they extend their thoughts and do not limit themselves. Thank you.
This is the most amazing thing I have heard today. Great quote Thomas.
This is very true. A child should never be limited in their dreams.
I am glad to have read this early enough. I will not make this mistake with my child.
I have never thought about it this way. But now that I think about it, this is very true.
This is a very insightful view. You have a beautiful mind.
I am in total agreement with this. Asking a child what they want to be is limiting.
You would make a great father Thomas. This is the mentality of a great parent.
“The better question is to ask a child who they want to be and what they dream of doing with their life.” I couldn’t have said it better if I tried.
Indeed, kids need to model their lives after someone they look up to. I love your quote.
I think it’s time you published a book with all your quotes. I find them all very insightful and full of knowledge.
I wish my parents knew about this when I was young. I fall in the latter group of kids who were asked what they wanted to be.
This is a very good point. I did not even think of it that way ha ha. I learned something new today and a very good words to live by.