Nothing in life just ‘happens’. Opportunity and goals can only be realized through hard work, determination, love, and blessings of patience.
Thomas Slatin, Belong

Nothing in life just ‘happens’. Opportunity and goals can only be realized through hard work, determination, love, and blessings of patience.
Thomas Slatin, Belong
Nothing is ever just happen, it depends on how we key to opportunities and relationships around us. Love matters too
So true, it hurts! Things aren’t just delivered to you on a silver platter. While hard work might seem tedious at times, the payoff is always worth it! I agree that love, perseverance and patience are crucial assets!
Unfortunately, there are people who believe in fate or destiny. I do not believe that my future will depend on what “destiny” has in store for me. It makes me feel helpless. All of us are the captains of our own ships. It is how we read the circumstances and navigate the stormy seas that we can find the true meaning in our lives. And yes, nothing in life JUST happens.
I agree. I always believe that in the search for miracles, one must not only look at the sky but look at your own hands. It is a partnership between the material and intangible things.
I agree, nothing in life just happens. Everything happens for a reason. We will become what we want us to be if we start working for it patiently.
I do believe the saying that nothing happens by chance. Everything, even though how little it may seem to us at that point in time, contributes to the ripples that determine the outcome in each and every single one of our futures.
Good and meaningful quote. Good reasoning quote Tom.
You need to work hard for the things you like. It will not be given to you for granted. Everything must of equivalent exchange.
This is very true. Actually it’s the reality.
We can all achieve everything by hard work. You can’t reach your dream if you will not work hard.
These are great virtues to live by. Success is not by accident but a product of hardwork.
Very true. Wishful thinking is the killer of so many goals and dreams. Nothing just happens, you have to make it happen.
This is extremely true. As a matter of fact, it’s reality.
So true, nothing happens just any how. It either timing, who we meet or experience. We just pray for good to happen to us
This is what makes life fair. Is the fact that through hardwork and determination, anyone can achieve their goals and dreams.
I agree, is the mix of all those elements and God bless what make success possible.
That is so true. You need to work on it in order to achive that specific goal or to obtain those opportunities that came into your life.
I agree, to be achieve success, you have to work hard at it and be determined. I also would not forget prayers to though because that is quite important.
Couldn’t agree more! You make your own destiny. You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. Keep pushing to be better. 🙂